Saturday, June 27, 2009

Art Shift

The Mile 0 Quilt Guild has been taking part in aRt Shift for the month of June. We have a show hung at the local library, called the 'Evolution of Quilting', the show is hung from the oldest quilts to new modern quilt art. Fantastic, and lot's of folks have viewed it. We have also held a demo each Saturday. Today was the last Saturday, we hand tyed a chemo quilt. I made the quilt and several members helped tye it. Our guests were the Potluck in the Basement Singers, they did a great job of entertaining and also joined in to help tie the quilt :) The library staff provided, beverages and goodies. It was a fun day, and great way to wrap up our month long show.
Here are some pictures from today. The girls in 'white' blouses are from the singing group. The picture of four us tying are from the left, Ginny, Roz, Lynn and myself, with Counsillor Marilyn Belak looking on.

1 comment:

Micki said...

What a wonderful quilt show! I would have loved to be there.