I have finished the first block for the splendid Sampler. I am looking forward to a lot of fun making these blocks, learning new techniques. Mine will be scrappy, working from stash. Here is block# 1, To learn all about this wonderful event click the link below. Pat Sloan and Jane Davidson are hosting.
Here is a link for the Splendid Sampler

And you can see more of the Block #1 Hearts Aflutter here :)
Here is a link for the Splendid Sampler

And you can see more of the Block #1 Hearts Aflutter here :)
I have been real busy finishing up UFO's . I am disgusted with myself that I have so many not finished.
Here is one I finished. I can't find the pattern but I know it is a design by Rosalie Quinlan.
It has been waiting two years or more to be quilter. Hand embroidered and work of love.
and some close up pics.
This was my first redwork quilt and I have to say I really enjoyed the process.
Another UFO is this quilt "Spring Bouquet" by Edyta Star. It was waiting for the four borders to be appliqued. Happy to say it is totally finished.
I used the embroidery stitches on my sewing machine to do the applique. It is lot's of fun to do applique this way, and I love the finished product.
I will post more in a few days. We have had very mild winter up north, very unusual. +12 last week and lilacs are in bud!!! Way too early and I fear our next cold spell will do them in.
I hope you enjoyed some of my progress, have a great day.
Loved your block for the splendid sampler. I'm glad to be introduced to your blog and other quilt stories.
Hello Rhoda.
I loved your color choice on first block. It's a good idea use your scrappies.
And WOW! Beutiful finished quilts. Loved them.
I have a lot of UFO's too...
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