I had a fun time today playing with fabric paints. I used Pebeo Setacolor for this. I hope to sandwich it tomorrow and get some stitching added. Such fun. Does anyone know of a good resist for fabric? I guess the swans are ok with the bit of blue, I used two layers of freezer paper for the template.
That looks like fun. I did some fabric painting many years ago. I used ordinary paraffin wax as a resist. I heated it and applied it to my fabric with a paint brush and let it dry. When I was finished, I removed it by placing the fabric between several layers of paper towels and ironing it until the wax was gone. It looked really interesting when the dried wax was crinkled and a coat of watery paint was applied. It gave it an antique look - like cracked paint.
That's beautiful.I love the swans that you painted.
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